About Donations
A word about donations . . . any amount will do!

Although you are not under any obligation to give anything at all, with your donation we are able to give homeless and at-risk teen girls a life-changing experience here that may in fact be a turning point in their young lives allowing them to change and live better through the development of new cognitive skills.
If your daughter, granddaughter, niece or other young woman in your life has benefited from our programs, please find it in your heart to donate to help us give that same help to a girl without a healthy home life.
Donate Now
Our suggested donation is $50.00 a session, but we gladly and humbly accept any amount because we know it directly impacts lives. All donations go directly to program services and maintenance.
Whitehawk Ranch is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Your donation is tax deductible.